Director of the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire, Curator of the exhibitions and the Art Season

©Guillaume Beguin

Aggregated in classics, Chantal Colleu-Dumond has held many positions abroad as head of missions or cultural institutions.

She was, among other things, Cultural Advisor of the French Embassy in Romania (1988-1991), Head of the International and European Affairs Department at the Ministry of Culture (1991-1995), Cultural Advisor to the French Embassy in Italy (1995-1999), Cultural Advisor of the French Embassy in Berlin (2003-2007).

Since its creation in 2007, she has directed the Centre for Arts and Nature in Chaumont sur Loire, the International Garden Festival and the Castel. She is responsible for the artistic programming and curating of the exhibitions, as well as the creation of the themes of the international garden competition, its organisation and artistic direction. She is the author of numerous articles and books.

