Curator and art critic

©OKNO studio

Curator and art critic, Cristiana Perrella (Rome, 1965) directed the Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Art, in Prato, from 2018 to 2021.

She previously directed the contemporary art program at the British School in Rome (1998-2008); she founded and directed SACS – Sportello per l’Arte Contemporanea della Sicilia for RISO Museo d’arte contemporanea della Sicilia, Palermo (2007-2009); she directed the art and science project of the Fondazione Marino Golinelli, Bologna (2009-2018).

As an independent curator, she has collaborated with Italian and international institutions, including MAXXI (Rome), IKSV (Istanbul), Fondazione Prada (Milan). She teaches Management and Economics of Arts and Cultural Institutions in the Master’s degree course in Theory and History of Arts and Image at The San Raffaele University in Milan.

